Thursday, August 4, 2011

Forever & ever, Amen.

Life had gotten so difficult that at times, I can hardly find the strength to breath but life goes on, the clock goes ticking by & the world will never stop spinning just because you think that your own life is so dreadful. A very close family member of mine had just come upon his own family crisis throughout this year & it makes me learn so many things. Work is so challenging with my financial problems that I learnt more. Experiences make us learn & grow, mistakes are made into valuable lessons & success are turned into memorable memories.

After all these happenings, close friends who knew what happened came & ask me if I still believe in marriage? My answer? Yes, of course. I know there are friends out there who had given up on loving & trusting another soul for live after being hurt through their own unique experiences. Every relationship will have its ups & downs, nobody is perfect & nobody ever will but it brings no good into bringing on the hurt that happen from the past into the future because at the end of the day, we our self will be the one who is torturing our own mental & soul. I had experienced enough nightmares to understand it. The other half of course, had to be there for us to build up the trust as well. Relationship is never about me or you but me & you.

Maybe I don't believe in forever & ever, Amen but I do believe in a relation where true love & trust exist between two different souls. Its never easy but its not impossible either.

Remember, everything in life requires the simple action of "give & take", even in relationship.

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