Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Life's like ferris wheel.

There's time in life that I can't help asking myself what I want in life but it is never about what I want but what I make out of my own life. There's time when I burden myself with silly thoughts *which happen quite often these days with all the free time I have* and ended up as an emotional wreck. Have you ever feel so lost in life? Have you ever feel that you're losing control of yourself & you're losing grip on what you have plan for your life when sudden unexpected changes plunges into your life?

Making the decision to come back to Malaysia for good was never easy. Life in Melbourne was really good but never something I want. To graduate and spend time & wasting the parents money while I hunt for my perfect, dream job doesn't sounds appeasing to me. And on another thought, I've no idea what my perfect, dream job is about. Coming back to Malaysia, helping out my dad & at the same time, with my own career out there while pursuing a short course to pursue another career in the mean time sounds like the perfect plan to me. But at the same time, I must remind myself that life never goes like how I planned it to be. Life never do. And that's what make life amazing :)

Life have its ups & down & I always believe life's like a ferris wheel ride. You get on a ride the day you were born, riding ups & downs. I don't believe a person could be on a high forever, or the other way round either. And another important thing, if you get down of the ride when you're on the down part, giving up on life just because you're on the bleak, down moment of our life, you will never have the chance to stand back up & be on the high. Have faith in life, have faith in yourself & never give up, that's my belief & what I'm always trying to do.

One thing constant about life would be changes.

[One of the best thing that happen to me was that fate brought you to my life again, making the path on the front seems easier with your support behind, walking hand in hand down the new path God have in mind for us.]

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