Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Just another piece of mind

I've a million things in mind.

But these days, I'm becoming forgetful & finding it harder & harder to express it in the right words.

Been going through so many, a little too much if you ask me, ups & downs these days, mostly downs but yet they teach me lessons that I never expect I'll learn..

Through this lessons, I saw the goods & the bads, the constants & the changes, the people who truly care & those who are good-for-nothings..

And never forget all the unexpected surprises that sprung up from all these, friendships I never expect, a boyf that proves otherwise, people's capability of doing more than I expected, both good & bad..

I pray for a better day each day, hoping the downfall will take a turn & heads back up.. Hope keeps me going on, love keeps me strong, endless care & support keeps me breathing, lessons that keeps me learning..

Making a better me :)

[I truly miss the capability of smiling straight from the bottom, smiles are something I had to plaster on my outlook these days but I'm sure, one day, I'll be able to smile once again & have my lessons learnt, making everything more precious than ever. Thanks for all the support my friends & the boyf had given me these days despite the family dramas I'm going through now. Praying & working hard to make it better.]

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